The Never Not Gallery / Remember that Time We Made Up an Art Gallery?

It takes a creative person to not call you a whacko when you text them at 11PM on a Sunday with an idea for an art gallery in your one bedroom apartment. It takes someone who is... never not weird! :)
Here's how it went down...
Me: Wouldn't it be so fun to take all the furniture out of my apartment and host a gallery opening?
Sara: Yep. Let's do it.
So we did it! The opening of the Never Not Gallery on August 29th was a Pop Up show in
my apartment and everyone came! It was a success all around. We sold a lot of art, we drank a lot of sangria, and we made awesome connections with local artists and art dealers.
I don't want to completely sugar coat this effort though. There were days of hand-wringing, and panicked text messages questioning whether or not we could actually pull this off.
Either way, we did it. And we're going to do it again! Probably not in my apartment, and definitely with a few more artists next time. So keep your eyes peeled for another Pop Up by the Never Not Gallery in the next six months.
Next time: bigger, badder, and more food truck-y?